LaPaz County Fair-Page Boys

It’s fair time in LaPaz County! My little brothers have been working hard this week in order to get ready for it. The fair is one of my favorite times a year, but I am still in South Carolina, so I was unable to partake in all the madness (and fair food). Tammy was kind enough to send me texts and pictures. Here are some of the pictures!

Coltan made some cookies with his grandma as an indoor project.

Coltan and his pig 🙂

Big and little sleeping through it all.

Maverick and his pig.

John did a picture project for his indoor project.

Treats & Puppies!!!

The other day I bought my dogs a big bag of Dentley’s Rawhide Chew Flips. I didn’t know what flavor they would like the best so I purchased a mixed bag. I decided to do a taste test with Daisy to see what flavor she liked the best. Here are the results!

I laid the three flavors out on my table. Chicken. Peanut Butter. Beef.

And then I let her pick! She sniffed all three of the treats, and then went straight for the Beef!!

She ate the entire beef rawhide and then went back for another… The second winner is… CHICKEN!!!


Don’t worry, Peanut Butter didn’t get left behind, she just ate it last.

Puppy News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





= Puppies!!

Daisy delivered her puppies on Saturday, Sept. 18th. She had 8 furry white puppies (6 boys, 2 girls). Although they look like white rats now, they are going to be the cutest things ever in 4 weeks!

There eyes are still closed and noses are bright red!