Golf Outing

FYI- Sam wrote this post 🙂

For Christmas this year my mom bought Sam and I sets of golf clubs.  They are really nice and we were able to get a good deal on them.  So to break them in we went and played 9 holes on the Navy base.  The weather was nice with a slow breeze blowing through.  Sam and I played okay for not playing in a while.

Notice the perfect set-up and amazing backswing that is ready for the perfect drive that only Tiger dreams of.  Just kidding, Sam is horrible but he tries.  We have goals to take golf lessons to improve on our game.

Sam feels brave and thinks that he is going to be able to hit a solid shot from the tee with his driver, then proven wrong every time.  He is good at his short game which is vital to being good at golf.

My mom has been learning to golf also.  I have never seen her golf before and for being a beginner she was pretty impressive.  If nothing else she definitely looks the part of a pro golfer.

She did good except this shot here.  Notice after she swung the ball is still high on the tee and there seems to be a scuff or divot in the grass about 8 inches behind ball.  Yeah not so much of a graceful miss but sure was funny.  She blamed it on being distracted from the photographer taking the pictures.  If she is going to be a pro then she needs to get used to having her picture taken.

The base is right on the Cooper River which offers some beautiful views.

My Husband’s 1st Love

My husband has a serious cereal addiction. How much cereal does he eat? Let’s just say he eats a minimum of two bowls a day. And that’s not regular bowls, we are talking mixing bowls. Frequently he will eat a whole box in one day. I decided to capture him with his first love…

F4, 1/60

His bowl sits perfectly on his chest. He has a particular way he eats his cereal. The cereal closest to his chest is what he eats first. Notice how the cereal next to his finger sits higher up in the bowl? There is a purpose for this. This is how he keeps it from getting soggy too fast. Soggy cereal is one thing he hates. If you call him while he is eating cereal, he will not answer, this prevents soggy cereal.  

F4.8, 1/60

That wedding ring is the one I gave him, he holds it so close to his beloved cereal bowl.

F5, 1/60 

Trix were the choice of cereal last night. What type of cereal does he like you might ask? Well, if you are a real cereal lover like he is, you like all cereal. He doesn’t like Grape Nuts, but he does not conisder this cereal, he believes Grape Nuts are a form of cardboard.

F5.6, 1/60

Just in case you were wondering, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Chex are his favorite.


You know you are an expert cereal eater when you can eat this while bowl without spilling anything on yourself.


He’s a professional at every angle.

F5.3, 1/60

He can eat cereal and watch tv at the same time.

F5.3, 1/60


By the way, there is only one thing worse than calling him while he is eating cereal, and that is taking a bite of his cereal. Sam is willing to share almost anything with you, with the exception of his cereal.

Along with the mixing bowl requirement, a tablespoon is also required. A teaspoon just will not do the job.

Don’t worry, there is no milk wasted here. Sam polishes his cereal off  by gulping the milk up!

Folly Beach Pier Fishing

Last weekend Sam and I went to the Folly Beach Fishing Pier. This is the first time we have been to the ocean since we have moved here. Honesty, we are not really ocean/beach fans but I really wanted to catch a fish off the pier, so we went.

f13, 1/100 

We rented two poles and  got some shrimp for bait.

F 5.3, 1/250 

It was really nice weather in town, but there was a cold breeze once we got onto the pier.

f5.3, 1/320

This is the end of the pier. There was only a couple of people out fishing, maybe that should have been our hint of the poor fishing conditions that were about to come.

f11, 1/50

They have these cool benches and fishing pole holders for your rod.

f11, 1/125

This seagull kept circling around us, begging for a shrimp. He didn’t get one… Sam hates birds…

7.1, 1/500

We sat out on the pier for a couple of hours and absolutely no bites, we threw in the towel. Sam hates fishing anyways, so he was excited to pack up and leave.

f5.6, 1/125

On our way in, I snapped a couple of ocean pictures.

F22, 1/25  

f9, 1/125

f11, 1/80

Hopefully next time there will be better fishing conditions, anyway the ocean and beach were pretty!

How to Make a Diaper Cake

Last night I went to a baby shower for a girl at work. Rachel ( my coworker) and I decided to make her a diaper cake. Here is how we made it, well really Rachel made it, I just took pictures and rolled diapers up…

We first got a box of 112 diapers, name brand of course( neither of us have kids, but we were told that we should buy name brand diapers because store brands usually leak). We picked up 2 types of ribbon, I believe 6 yards. Then I dug out my moms glue gun and glue stick. Rachel took about 40 diapers and made the first layer like below.

Note to self; Use a bigger center holder than peanut butter. Crisco makes a great center piece holder for the bottom layer.

Tie string or ribbon around to hold your diapers together while you stuff the middle with rolled diapers.

Put your pretty ribbon around your layer and then take your other ribbon off.

You do the same for the next two layers and then set them on top of each other.  

Attach cute bows.

Give it a cute cake topper.

This is what you get!

Stingray’s Hockey

A couple of weekends ago we went to a hockey game. It was “Pink in the Rink” night, hence the pink ice.  The proceeds for the game go to a breast cancer foundation. Anyway, this was the first time I have taken any action shots not on “auto”. The whole night I was torn between getting a good action shot for sure in auto mode, or using shutter priority mode and learning more about my camera.  Here are some of my pictures in shutter priority mode.

Cool story about this little boy :). A husband(who is the military) and his wife have season tickets next to us, so we get to see this cute little boy every game we go to.  Last season they didn’t have this cute little boy, but my mom was confused because the wife was not pregnant during last season either. Through conversation at the game, she told us a really neat story. Her and her husband tried to have kids and couldn’t. So, they signed up to adopt. They tried for 7 years to adopt with no luck. They then went to an open adoption agency and waited two more years. The husband left for his deployment to Afghanistan when the wife got a phone call from an adoption agency. She had 13 hours to get to the hospital to pick up their new baby boy. She ran to Wal-Mart and got all the baby stuff she could and went and picked him up from the hospital. Her husband found out through email that they were the proud parents of this new baby boy. For six more months the wife took care of the baby, the husband only got to see him on Skype. He was 6 months and 9 days old before the Dad got to meet him. The boy is 10 months now, and in 2 more months the adoption will be final. Isn’t this a cool story? I love it when good people get to adopt kids!

Fight. ..Most people like hockey fights… except me, it makes me sick to my stomach.